TOP Mattresses | DŘEVOČAL

TOP Mattresses


from 277 €

25 cm

Luxusný matrac s výškou 25 cm Vás zaujme svojou žíhanou penou Cellflex. Ide o komfortnú penu (38 kg/m³) so špeciálnymi vlastnosťami. Cellflex je...

from 318 €

23 cm

A mattress whose core consists of a 12 cm high layer of special red Sanitized antibacterial foam (32 kg/m³), which provides permanent and effective...

from 265 €

21 cm

Seven-zone stiffer mattress with dual firmness. The blue mattress core at a height of 6 cm made of MediFoam foam (35 kg/m³) guarantees sufficient...

from 242 €

19 cm

Unique mattress made of high-specific-weight cold foams. Its core consists of red special antibacterial foam (32 kg/m³) with the Sanitized treatment...

from 224 €

19 cm

The mattress core consists of a combination of two MediFoam elastic foam boards (35 and 40 kg/m³) with a different firmness. The center of the core...

from 231 €

20 cm

Seven-zone mattress with a firmer side made of MediFoam foam (32 kg/m³), which has zone-shaped cuts. In addition, its openings under the shoulders...

from 314 €

25 cm

The mattress stands out with the unique properties of very pliable cold foam at a height of 5 cm with a weight of 45 kg/m³. This special, so-called...

from 262 €

23 cm

Unique orthopedic mattress also suitable for allergic people. The core of the mattress consists of two different foams embedded in a longitudinal...

from 287 €

21 cm

Mattress with a core with a unique aerated cross section. This profile, tested by customers over time, is composed of hardened MediFoam foam of a...